You have consumed enough. God wants you to start creating.

I have been thinking about this video title since I saw it come up in my YouTube feed yesterday. One thing I love about living out here in the mountains is waking up at 7am to see the sun come over the mountains, one inch at a time.

And here’s the amazing part, the early morning breeze and the birds, what seems like 1000 different kinds, all singing and making music together. I crack open the window so that I can listen to them all.

The first thing I do is drink some ice cold water that comes out of this mountain side spring, and then make some incredible coffee that is grown right down the hill, some of the highest quality in the world. Honey and ghee from a farm in there makes it sweet and creamy and I look forward to this moment every morning. Then i write down everything i am grateful for.

In 36 years, in all my travelling, experiences, and seeing different parts of the world, from Africa to Europe to Dubai to the Caribbean, this is my favourite place to wake up. Its calm, its peaceful, its inspiring, its energizing, I think that being here at a high elevation, with no sounds but the springs and rivers below and the birds outside, gives me a sense of clarity and makes me feel closer to God.

That’s why I always loved snowboarding too. The air up high is different.

I just read the verse this morning that said, without faith it is impossible to please God. Faith is believing in what I cannot see. If I cannot ‘see’ God, but I can hear him, I can sense him, and I CAN see him in his creation all around me, it fills up my soul and my spirit and I realize that I am able to create anytime I want.

It’s like a switch that I can flip or a pendulum that just has to swing to the other end.

Consumption mode of scrolling and watching and listening and reading and spending hours taking in all the information online and in books, leads to nothing but feeling tired and worn out, and sleepy.

But creating.

The amazing thing is this. Creating gives us a sense of purpose in the world, it’s a gift we call have that we can use and tap into, and it’s how we add value to those around us.

I love writing because it’s the purest form of communication and I can use words to let flow what is in my heart and in my mind. My mom has writing i did with a pencil when i was 7 years old.

I have been an idea guy my whole life, a dreamer, a thinker, that was always daydreaming in school and at my jobs, using my imagination, getting in trouble for being ‘distracted’, living in the future, and building my dream life in my head. They used to tell me that i had ADD or something.

ADHD is a made up disease. It actually stands for ‘a dude has dreams…’

Daydreaming to me is creation mode too.

One of our higher faculties is imagination, and learning to have faith in what is possible vs. what we immediately dismiss as impossible takes imagination and courage. It also takes a clear head and being able to listen.

The desires of our heart come from above, and shouldn’t be pushed aside.

We only get one life, when it is done, we better not be known as someone who settled.

This is a time in history that is going to be remembered, and the world is changing fast. We are to be creators, not consumers. I remember moving back to Canada at age 11 and being overwhelmed by consumer culture. It’s paralyzing and takes away the joy in life. It’s a comparison game 24/7 of never having the newest or the biggest or best.

Here’s a formula that will change your life: and you can engineer it in reverse. BE, DO, HAVE.

I truly believe that if we ask ourselves, what do I want to HAVE? Then what do you need to DO, the question really is, who do you need to BE(come) first? Its biblical.

Its taking action on our ideas. Becoming the best version of us is paramount, becoming skilled, healthy, strong, courageous, free, empowered, confident, creative, and then becoming a creator and not a consumer is the next step. If you want help with this, message me and ill help you get started.

Let me encourage you with this. You have value to offer the world. You have gifts no on else has. You have something unique to offer with your voice and your message that someone else out there, who is where you used to be, needs to hear.

Dont keep it from them. Get rid of the bad habits, the vices, the self sabotage, the excuses.

The next few years are going to be amazing, the future looks bright, and no matter what happens, know that you were created for a purpose, and you can find yours.

You truly can.

It probably starts with stopping scrolling and starting to create with your words, your voice, video, art, expression of whats inside you.

You can do it. You need to.

Someone out there needs you to as well.

It’s your time.